
Financial Literacy Tips – Match your loans to your purchases

When taking on debt, it’s smart to consider the lifespan of what you’re buying. Long-term loans, loans that are 5 years or longer, should be reserved for purchases that will last at least as long as the loan period, like a house or a car. These investments hold value over time and justify the extended repayment period.

What does it all mean?

Short-term loans are considered 1-2 years in length, medium-term loans are considered 2-5 years in length, and long-term loans are considered 5 plus years in length. An example of an appropriate loan match would be a long-term loan on a vehicle or house. What we don’t want to happen is to have a short-term expense on long-term loan. Let’s say you go on vacation and put it on a credit card, but you are only able to pay the minimum payment each month, which then takes you 5 years to pay off. The reason this causes a strain on finances is because when you want to take a vacation next year, you can’t. You are still paying off the old vacation. Or you may choose to put this year’s vacation on a different credit card. You can see that when putting short term expenses on long term loans, the ultimate outcome is an unhealthy debt cycle that is difficult to break.

News, Alerts, and Events

NHFCU December Events Calendar

Santa at Lee Police Dept. (Free photo op) December 22nd from 1-4pm Santa at Concord Location (Free photo op) December 13th from 2-4pm

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Santa for Seniors Giving Tree

One of the many ways we are making a positive difference in our community is by partnering with local senior organizations. This year

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Thanksgiving Dinner Raffle

Stop by between now and Wednesday, November 20th, to enter our raffle to win a basket with "all the fixings," including a $40

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